Healthy Biscuits

-vegan breads

-breakfast biscuits

Healthy Biscuits can be used in variety of ways to create an enjoyable eating experience. You can serve them with vegetarian sausages, sauteed sliced tofu, tempeh bacon or drizzle with a sauce.



2 cups all purpose flour (not bleached, not enriched) or

1 1/3 cups all purpose flour (not bleached, not enriched) and
2/3 cups spelt flour        

1 tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 cup oil (I use 1 tbsp olive & 3 tbsp canola oil)
3/4 to 1 cup soy milk or rice milk


Preheat the oven to 450 degrees. Sift the flour, baking powder, and salt together into a medium sized bowl.

Stir the dry ingredients together.

Then cut the oil into the flour: meaning add the oil very slowly to minimize the little balls formed. Pouring with one hand and using two knives in the other hand to stir will get the job done.

Use a spoon to stir in enough of the soymilk to create a batter that is just past sticky to slightly moist. Form the mixture into a ball in the bowl.


Flour a surface and rolling pin before dropping the ball on the floured surface. Using floured hands, knead the dough twice don't over-knead. Using the rolling pin, roll the dough out to about 1/2 inch thickness. Use a 2" cookie cutter to create about one dozen biscuits.

 Place the biscuits on a lightly greased cookie tray and bake for 12 to 15 minutes or until they just begin to brown on top.  If spelt flour is used, cooking time will be less (8 minutes). I use an air pan so the tops and bottoms taste like the tops.

While they are hot use a sharp serrated knife to cut the biscuits and "butter" them. 


I use a canola spread called (from Whole Foods Market) Canelo; it contains no trans fats. For a change of pace consider using agave or a fruit spread instead. Enjoy!

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Biscuit Baking Tip

An air pan will help protect your biscuits from overcooking or burning the bottom.