Healthy Eating Secrets

Healthy eating secrets reveal the simplest way to maintain a youthful look. The typical American diet is a blessing and a curse. It is a blessing that we have access to such a large variety of foods that are reasonably priced, easy to prepare, and taste good. It is a curse, however, for almost the same reasons. Our convenient access to a variety of foods makes it easy to choose those foods we like, not necessarily those the body needs. Many foods that are most convenient do not provide the nutritional components the body needs to maintain good health and its youthful state.

The main secret is to have a plant-based diet, which helps keep the body clean and functioning well on the inside. These foods are high in fiber, contain lots of water, and have little refined (white) sugar and fried or saturated fats.

High fiber foods include whole-grain breads, cereals, rice, beans, and pastas. Three or four servings a day is ideal.

The proper diet includes fresh vegetables and fruit. They contain chlorophyll and other nutrients. They support immune function and help fight off invaders. Five to six servings a day is best. The body uses these foods as brushes to scrub and loosen residue in the digestive system, which helps maintain wellness. 

You do not have to become a vegetarian in order to look young and healthy. However, a conscious effort must be made to provide the body with the foods it needs to stay healthy.

The secret to youthful skin and more energy is to expel waste out of the body as soon as possible. This prevents excessive cell damage, age lines, and joint pain.

A well hydrated body is essential. Drinking water is needed for all body functions and conditions, including healthy skin, brain function and proper bowel elimination.  We get some of our water from the fruits and vegetables in our diet. Pure water, approximately 6 to 8 glasses daily for adults is recommended.  

The next healthy eating secret is to avoid eating excessive meat and fried foods. Let meat (or fish) be a side dish. A diet based on plants protects against early aging and many diseases that are extremely common.

The last secret is to avoid sugar and salt. These two ingredients are in most processed foods. They are overused and are risk factors to poor health.

The right food choices can help keep us young and well!

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